The internet is a tricky thing. It is our society’s best resource and at times our worst enemy.  It is where children learn about the best parts of our world and where they can get involved with the worst parts of our world. Meet Lacey, a 13-year-old girl who went on social media and began chatting with a much older man. He immediately began manipulating her by telling her she was beautiful and sympathizing with her troubles. He convinced her to meet him that very same night promising that all he wanted to do was listen and help her. She snuck out of the house and got in his vehicle. They hadn’t gone very far when he began offering her alcohol. He told Lacey she was beautiful and sexy. He told her he would always treat her right and she was too mature for boys her own age and then he took her to a motel. The minute he shut and locked the door, his behavior changed and he became very aggressive. He sexually assaulted Lacey several times and threatened her if she told anyone. He dropped her off several blocks from her home. Lacey disclosed right away and was taken to the hospital immediately. After her forensic interview she stated that she was grateful that she wasn’t judged and felt relieved and safe again.
