Meet Kyle. Kyle is a little league baseball coach. He loves coaching and he cares about the kids on his team. Over a period of weeks, he noticed that one of his players, Nate, was not acting like himself. When Nate was on the field, he seemed distracted and missed catches that were once easy for him. Off the field, he seemed to withdraw from his friends. Kyle was worried. Fortunately, Kyle had participated in one of the Darkness to Light Stewards of Children child abuse prevention workshops. Kyle took Nate aside during practice one day and started a conversation. The workshop had given him the tools he needed to talk to Nate. Nate told Kyle about an Uncle who had just moved in and about what that uncle was making him do. Kyle was able to respond appropriately and get Nate the help he needed.

To attend one of our free 2 hour child abuse prevention workshops, email or learn more on our website.
