Meet Our CASA Volunteer: Leslie Caves

Leslie discusses below reasons for becoming a CASA Volunteer and what motivates her as a CASA Volunteer.

1) Why did you decide to become a CASA?  I actually had a calling on my heart for a long time to become a CASA and I finally made up my mind to take the step of becoming a CASA.

2)  What do you like best about being a CASA?  Meeting new people and helping people that are in need.

3)  How many CASA cases have you had?  Three

4)  Tell us one of your most meaningful experiences as a CASA?  I was able to take one of my female CASA kids to the Nutcracker in Greeley.  It was a struggle to get her there, but she loves dance and I wanted to show her with a lot of hard work, both at school and at dance class that it was possible to dance in a production like that.  There are always dreams and ways to make things possible.

5)  What has being a CASA taught you? Empathy, grace, understanding, learning not to judge, humility, seeing that I am very blessed.

6)  What keeps you motivated as a CASA? I know I can make a positive difference in a child’s life even if it is for a small period of time.  It is my way of giving back and also learning about myself in my life journey.


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