We are grateful to Sam for creating a fundraiser for our Superhero Run & Family Carnival event. He’s already raised over $450. You can create a fundraiser too or donate to Sam’s fundraiser at http://bit.ly/shdonate19

Here’s Sam’s story, ” I’m grateful to be able to take part in the Life Stories Superhero run. As a parent, I can only imagine what it’s like for children to face difficulties most of us can’t imagine. Everyone deserves a fair shot at life and a good start so that’s why I chose to do my bit for Life Stories.

I shared my fundraiser with my work colleagues in the hope of support. I was pleasantly surprised as I smashed my fundraiser goal within an hour of sharing it. It reinforced to me how much people care about these things and how easy it is to help people who really do need it. I’m fortunate enough to work with some amazing people and great company who jumped at the chance to donate which only increased the level of encouragement. The company I work for is also donating their weekly jean money (we make donations to wear jeans in the office every Friday) for the month of September to my run which is over and above the uptake I expected. With additional support from my friends and family I hope to make a difference however big or small to somebody somewhere.”
